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3 Essential Oils to Diffuse for a Sunday Writing Session that transports you to a field of summer flowers, with your laptop.

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

It's Self-Care-Sunday ... for normal people. Across the privileged world, ladies are lounging in cute sweats after a soul-and body-inspiring yoga session followed by brunch. Some are slow-cooking lentils with tumeric in anti-inflammatory preparation for the week (Incidentally, in the Venn-diagram of Sunday-slow-cookers and privilege, there are some overlaps, but that's irrelevant now).

..this is exactly how your Sunday is going, except your morning exercise consisted of jumping up and down nervously, brunching on leftover takeout and, in a strange twist of fate, also, slow-cooking lentils (but for different reasons, and that's irrelevant now).

But there is one major difference in your world.. it's not only self-care-Sunday, it's Imminent-Paper-Deadline-Sunday! Ohhh, poor you!!!

I am about to propose a simple self-care idea that can be seamlessly overlaid on your writing process and proceed in parallel.

This will merge the Normal-Girl world and the World of Academia so suddenly, it will be as if the actual normal curve crashed into the outliers like a cresting wave.

Are you ready? It's so damn simple! I can't believe you haven't tried it before!

Have you tried it before?

You don't know??

Are you ready?

Here it is:


With just your nose, you can be both typing away at your manuscript and scampering through summer fields, spinning arms-wide to the sounds of a swelling stringed orchestra. It will be like in the classic book/movie, The Wizard of Oz, (Also, it's possible that your co-authors are beasts who each have their own unique lack of heart, brain or courage, but that's not relevant. What we mean, is - magical).


  1. Lavender

  2. Geranium

  3. Orange

... to be magically transported to a field that has lavender, geraniums and oranges growing in it.

You don't know what a diffuser is or why Normal-Girl World is so full of smells? See our follow-up piece: How to Divert Your Productive Sunday to Explore the Internet Looking for Answers About Essential-Oils and their Diffusion... while being distracted by the nagging question: Do the dynamics of scent diffusion follow any sort of analogous pattern to the diffusion of ideas or technologies? a question which pairs well with, Is this a Good Way to Spend My Time? I ask myself even though I know the answer is 'definitely, no,' and its corollary, Why do other academics get to make all the fun highly-cited bonkers parallels and not me? Why not me? Why? WHyyyyyy??

but it smells nice now, right?!!

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